Pray It Forward

Dear Grace Chapel Family,

God is good! He is faithful! He is sovereign! We are full of joy because of who He is!

We are pleased to announce that, through much prayer and discernment, we have extended an invitation to Josh Weidmann to become the next Senior Pastor for Grace Chapel. Josh has accepted, and he wanted to share his thoughts with us!

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On behalf of the Elder Board, I want to say thank you to all who participated in the process.

To the Search Team: Thank you for the countless hours watching all the potential candidates’ sermons, reading through résumés, and debating and praying.

To the Staff: Thank you for your patience, faithfulness, and strength in this time of transition.

To the many members of the Perspective Teams: Thank you for praying through questions and participating in the process. Your valuable input was immensely appreciated!

And, to the Grace Chapel family: Thank you for your encouragement, steadfastness, feedback, and many, many prayers during this season.

Grace Chapel, the transition is not over! Josh will begin his journey with us on May 31, 2015. Please continue to Pray It Forward for the staff, the Elders, and for Josh and his family as they finish well at Mission Hills Church, for our brothers and sisters in Christ at Mission Hills Church, and for God’s movement in the churches and community of South Denver.

The next season for Grace Chapel is at hand! Please continue to pray, continue to lock arms across generations, and continue to make an impact wherever you are for the cause of Jesus.

We are excited for this next step in our journey, and hope you are, too! We welcome Josh, Molly, Chandler, Gracie, and Carolina to the Grace family!

Advancing God’s great mission together,

Brian Moe, Elder Chair

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