We Believe in Celebrating Baptism


Baptism at Grace Chapel is a public declaration of an individual’s commitment to following Christ. Baptism symbolizes our new life in Christ as we lay down the old one, bury it, and leave it behind. Baptism is an important step of obedience for every Christ-follower.

Our upcoming baptism is happening:

Sunday, October 27 | 9 & 11 AM Service 

If you haven’t been baptized yet… maybe now is the time! Please click on the button below to fill out a form and we’ll get back to you shortly!

We Believe in Celebrating Baptism

Baptism at Grace Chapel is a public declaration of an individual’s commitment to following Christ. Baptism symbolizes our new life in Christ as we lay down the old one, bury it, and leave it behind. Baptism is an important step of obedience for every Christ-follower.

Upcoming baptism is happening:

Sunday, October 27 | 9 & 11 AM Service 

If you haven’t been baptized yet… maybe now is the time! Please click on the button below to fill out a form and we’ll get back to you shortly!


At its core, baptism is about Jesus and what He has done for you. Baptism is an outward symbol of an internal transformation which began in you when you turned to Jesus for forgiveness and asked Him to be Lord of your life. Baptism symbolically illustrates:

  • Christ’s death and resurrection
  • Your profession of faith and desire to follow Jesus
  • The cleansing and washing away of sin
  • Your new life in Christ!

Baptism is your way of telling the world that you are with Jesus and is a declaration of your new life in Christ. While Baptism doesn’t save you (God does that through your faith in Jesus), it is something God asks believers to do in obedience to Him. Romans 6:3-6; Ephesians 2:8-9; Acts 16:30-31


FAQ about Baptism

Who Should Be Baptized?

Baptism is for anyone who has made a decision to place their faith in Jesus – it is for Christian believers. Baptism is also something commanded by God for believers as a sign of obedience. It is therefore important to be baptized after your profession of faith in Jesus (Believers Baptism) and not before you have made a decision to follow Jesus.

[1] Acts 2:38

How Will I Be Baptized?

At Grace Chapel, we believe in baptism by immersion (meaning submersed under the water). We of course will make accommodations for special circumstances (e.g. disabilities) or when immersion is not possible.

What is the process Grace Chapel uses for Baptisms?

BAPTISM EXPRESSION OF INTEREST: Fill out the form by clicking on the button at the bottom of the baptism page. A pastor will reach out to you to talk through your spiritual journey, discuss the baptism process and meaning, who will baptize you, and talk about upcoming dates and times. 

We ask people to write out and share their testimony with the congregation. This will be done with the guidance of a pastor on staff. 

Once a date is set, we will celebrate your baptism with you, your family and friends, and the Grace Chapel congregation. 

Is there a minimum age to be baptized at Grace Chapel?

Scripture is clear that a person should be baptized when they have placed their faith in Jesus. We believe the age at which a person is baptized to be a matter of Christian discernment. We simply want to know that young people indeed have a saving faith in Jesus Christ and are choosing to be baptized of their own free will.  We do this to ensure the legitimacy of their public profession of Christ at the time of their baptism and to protect the Gospel, the person and the church.

What should I include in my Spiritual Journey Summary?

A pastor will work with you on your spiritual journey testimony. We ask you to create this document so we can both get to know you as well as understand your spiritual journey and how God has been working in your life. You can follow a simple outline: 1) Describe your life before Christ; 2) How and why did you become a Christian; 3) How has God changed you and what is a meaningful Bible verse He has used in your life?  We are looking for only a few paragraphs and no more than one page.

Baptism Day Preparation - What to Expect?

When and Where – Arrive in the Worship Center, by the water tank, 20 minutes before the start of the service.  We will do a walk-through regarding logistics of event.

What to bring – A towel and a change of clothes (including dry undergarments). You will receive a I’m with Jesus t-shirt to wear for your baptism. 

Family and Friends – You may want to have family and friends sit close to the baptism area for pictures.

The Person Baptizing you – Should come with you for the pre-baptism meeting. We strongly recommend that you appoint a Baptism buddy that will be with you as you go through the preparation for your Baptism and can help you with questions. You can if you desire have this person perform the Baptism ceremony.

Photos – We will take photos of the event and will provide a photo for you as well as your baptism certificate a couple weeks following your baptism. A family member or friend are welcome to take photos as well. 

Certificate of Baptism – We will prepare a Certificate of Baptism for you, signed by pastor Josh and by the person who baptizes you. This will be sent and will be sent to you at a later date.

What to remember – This is a significant moment.  Continue to look up, remembering what Jesus has done for you.  Worship through your baptism.Â