We have made changes to our giving process. Please see below for more information.Â
What’s changing?
We are moving our online giving from Pushpay to our new church database, TouchPoint. By consolidating our database, all of our information is in one place making giving, registrations, and access to ministries better and easier.
Please see instructions, follow the steps and click on the buttons below create a new reoccurring account on TouchPoint and cancel your current Pushpay account.
Step 1: Create Your New Giving Account in Touch Point
Click on button below to connect to your record and input the details of your current gift including your amount, and frequency. You’ll input your giving information and you’re done!
Step 2: Cancel Pushpay Account
 Click on the button below to your Pushpay account. You can use the cancellation guide to take you through the steps to cancel your account.
Thank you for your continued generosity to the ministry and all God is doing in and through Grace Chapel.
Questions About Giving
The Bible has a lot to say about giving and generosity, but not in a way you might expect. The Bible encourages us to live a generous life – a life which recognizes everything good that we have comes from God. For the Christian believer, because our hope comes from the Lord, who according to 1 Timothy 6:16-18 richly supplies us with everything we need, He asks us to respond by doing good with our life, being rich in good deeds toward others, and being generous and willing to share. In fact, the Lord uses the generosity of His church to fuel His mission. At Grace Chapel, we believe giving is a spiritual response to what God is doing in our lives. It is an act of the heart – an act of worship and thankfulness – and not something to be done reluctantly or under compulsion (2 Corinthians 9:7).
financial stewardship
At Grace Chapel, we aspire to maintain the highest standards of financial stewardship and decision making. We maintain robust financial management processes and audit our financials annually through a 3rd party provider, all to ensure we maximize our spiritual impact locally and around the globe while building and maintaining trust with everyone who generously gives to support our mission of leading people to find and follow Jesus. If you have any questions about giving at Grace Chapel, please contact Kristi Savage ksavage@gracechapel.org
what address do i use to mail my contributions?
Grace Chapel
8505 S Valley Hwy
Englewood, CO 80112
Other questions?
We’d love to help! If you have any questions or need assistance with your giving, don’t hesitate to reach out to us by calling the office (303) 799-4900 or email us at info@gracechapel.org
Need Help? Let Us Know How We Can Help!