Our Sunday Adult Communities meet during one of the service times and then attend the worship service opposite of when they meet. These are life giving communities that dig into God’s Word and do life with each other. These are based on your stage of life: from young families to fully retired and anywhere in-between. If you are looking for a community that you can grow, both spiritually, relationally, and socially with… reach out to us and we will get you connected! See the current Sunday Communities listed below. 

Click below to fill out the Community Finder interest form, we’ll get back to you!


sunday groups

2nd Half Class

McKibben Chapel | 11 AM

We are a community that is retired or nearing retirement, but still active in growing and serving the Lord, and leaving a legacy in our families, community, and church. We mix our time together with Bible Study, prayer, and socially we will meet each other outside of class time also. We primarily dig into God’s Word, and occasionally dive into a book or video series.

Leaders: Brian Moe and Roger Schuit


Chapel | 9 am

We are a community of God-centered men and women. Couples and singles are welcome. We seek the advancement of God’s kingdom globally and locally. We pray, sing and dig into God’s word. 

Leaders: Dick & Anne Chiappini, Don & Kitty Gibson

Households of Faith

Room 503 | 9 am

We are a community of believers that love to dig into God’s word, figure out how to apply God’s word to our lives, pray together, get together outside of Sunday mornings for Rockies games, BBQ’s, picnics, social events, and simply focus on growing our faith within our own households.  We welcome married couples as well as singles into our community.  Most of us have adult children and so we are navigating our  “empty nest” or “nearly empty nest” season together.

Leaders: Rob/Karen Ammon, Tim/Cheryl Railsback, Jeff/Sheryl Schwiethale, Jolene VerSteeg

Growing Together

Portable 801

We are a community of singles and couples who love the Lord and enjoy close community. Most of us are in retirement while some are still working.  We love the transparency of our relationships and the fact that we can truly grow together and support each other in so many ways.  Weekly prayer and sharing is vital in the way we care for one another. We enjoy getting together outside of class for summer BBQs, Christmas Parties, Valentines dinners as well as occasional buffet brunches on Sunday.  We also use rotating dinner groups as a way for people to socialize and get to know others throughout the year. We are blessed with a number of experienced teachers who take turns teaching class.  

Leader: Ron Willett 


Going Deeper

Room 530 | 9:15 am

We are a multigenerational group of singles and married couples who support one another through different seasons of life. We pray together, encourage one another, and apply God’s Word to our daily struggles and decisions. Outside of class, we meet socially to strengthen relationships and care for one another when needs arise. Our goal is not just to study the Bible but to live according to its truth with faith and obedience.

Leaders:  Shawn Canaday, Mark Voss, Steve Puleo, and Ray Shoaff
Contact Info:;;;



Adventurous Faith

Portable 806 | 9 am

“Empty nester” couples and singles – mainly 50’s and 60’s but all are welcome! Spiritually supportive of each other and open to all ages. We apply the Word and sharing how to live out faith authentically and adventurously!

Leaders: Loren/Sue Matson, Mark/Maggie Seccombe




The Mix

Room 620 (upstairs in Student Ministry Building) | 9 am

Grace Chapel’s singles community is open to all. We are a warm and openhearted group, always looking for new people to join us. We don’t stay on the surface but dive into biblical discussions while sharing life experiences. In fact, we seek to apply what God has said. We meet Sunday mornings at 9 AM in the Student Ministry Building. The group enjoys serving and spending time together in various activities including dining out, movies, hikes, and picnics. Join us…you’ll fit right in!


Leaders: Steve Whitlock, Maria Bocchino, Tim Nicholas