Mission Nights | To The Nations
· Do you have a passion for global missions and the spread of the Gospel?
· Are you curious about learning more about the men and women God has used mightily in times past?
· Are you interested in going on a short-term mission trip with Grace Chapel?
We invite you and your family to join us Monday evenings in March for a five-part series focused on missions. These nights will be a time for us to learn about the history of global missions as well as the men and women whom God has used to advance the Gospel throughout the world. From William Tyndale’s immense persecution he endured in translating the Bible, Amy Carmichael’s enduring ministry to orphans in India, to Hudson Taylor’s impactful work for the gospel in China, we would love for you to come and be inspired by those who have simply made themselves wholeheartedly available to God for the advancing of the Good News.
Each night we will focus on a different historical missionary and hear about their stories of continued faithfulness even in the midst of persecution. We’ll also hear some updates from some of our current global mission partners about the work God is doing in their area today.
Cost is free, but we ask that you please register to let us know you will be attending.
*Light refreshments provided
Questions? Contact: Pastor Steven Sardisco Ssardisco@gracechapel.org
What We’re Doing Locally
The vision of Apartment Connect is to see a transforming vibrant community, by developing relationships with our surrounding apartment’s complexes to see relational and spiritual transformation.
EVENTS: We have two events every month, to connect with the community and to build spiritual development. We host any social events and activities such as: sports, art, painting, cooking, etc., as well as Bible studies in Spanish. To find out more: GraceChapel.org/AparmentConnect or email: info@apartmentconnect.org
SPANISH SERVICE: If you speak Spanish or would like to work on your Spanish as a second language, please join us on the 3rd Sunday of each month in the High School room by the gym. We will enjoy worshiping together through music and The Word.
Denver & Douglas county
Grace Chapel has long term relationships with key inner-city ministries, working among the poor, homeless, and refugees. They offer needed supplies, hope and encouragement.
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What We’re Doing Globally
Malawi is beautiful, very welcoming yet is the 3rd poorest country in the world. It exists to demonstrate God’s love for homeless youth in Blantyre, Malawi. Grace Chapel has contributed $30,000 this past year and will give $15,000 in the new fiscal year to help provide facilities and further equip the program as it grows towards greater sustainability. Learn More…
West Africa
For the last 20 plus years we have served in three countries in West Africa Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger. Our current focus is community development centered around a church. We help fund a church building, new solar power well, schools and a clinic. The community develop a plan with the pastor. Community outreach takes place as the project is being completed . These projects make for wonderful short-term trips. All our partners in West Africa are nationals which remain our primary focus for partnerships.
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North Africa
Grace has been involved in this area for over 20 years. As a Muslim country With very few believers , this area remains basically unreached. Our focus is on personal relationships in rural areas, visiting schools, Community projects and sharing the love of our Lord we are able. This area is a great spot for short term teams. Another vision for N Africa is to work with believers in El Salvador to raise up workers that would move to N Africa to serve.
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Asia with its unique blend of cultures remain a priority for us despite the challenges of travel and language. We focus on teaching English as a Second language, discipleship, Encouragement to national believers, and training. Lots of Opportunity to use your English Language skills.
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Middle East
Lebanon has been in the news a lot these days with the recent riots and major explosion in the port area of Beirut. Less known is the ongoing corruption and staggering economic crisis which hangs over the whole country like a wet blanket. Inflation is crippling the country making life incredibly difficult. Our three national partners and their teams soldier on with the same determination to reach the lost in all walks of life. The 2 million Syrian refugees in Lebanon remain a huge burden for our partners. We help as the Lord enables. Lord Willing Trips will be starting up again in the fall.
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