At Grace, our mission is to Lead People to Find and Follow Jesus which reflects the command and commission that Jesus gave us in Matthew 28:19. Going is the command to all believers which expresses active engagement with God’s purposes and making disciples is the commission for all of us who call Jesus Lord, it involves being a witness, speaking the words of Jesus, and serving as God gives us an opportunity. We have many opportunities for you to both go and make disciples to your local community and to the nations.
Our Outreach Ministry is all led by committed volunteers that have a passion for a Global or Local ministry. The focus is always on projects that emphasize our three core values: Spiritual impact, Relief work, or Creating sustainability among those we serve. We have a strong emphasis of working with and supporting national workers. Outreach is organized by categories of Global Initiatives, Local Initiatives, Local Supported Partner Ministries, Grace Unleashed Initiatives, and Short-Term Trips.
If you would like more information about our Outreach Ministry, please contact Terry Jarvis at TJarvis@GraceChapel.org.