Grace Chapel has launched an unleashed initiative following the pattern that was given to us. Here, you can see a few of the people at Grace have been engaged in for many years and we know there are many more great ministries just waiting to be released, all they need is some encouragement, perhaps some direction and guidance and someone to believe in them. We are here to help you as you wrestle with what God is calling you to do.
If you sense God leading you into a new ministry, please contact Terry Jarvis, Outreach Pastor, at TJarvis@GraceChapel.org.
Sandy Stokely (Whiz Kids)
I began my ministry in Whiz Kids ten years ago because I was excited about the opportunity to help students in their academics, but also to help them know God’s love. Whiz Kids is a Christian tutoring organization that partners with 50 schools around the Denver metro area. We meet after school, once a week, for two hours, in neighborhood churches! It is such a blessing to see the tutors mentoring their students. This one-to-one tutoring is unique in the lives of these disadvantaged students. Contact Sandy Stokely at sandy_stokely@yahoo.com to get involved.
Michelle Moss ( Hope and a Home)
Grace Chapel has been working to support single moms to get back on their feet after difficult life circumstances. We have partnered with local organizations (Bridge of Hope, DC Cares, James Resource network, etc.) and other churches to provide affordable housing, resources, care advocacy, and neighboring volunteers to come alongside to support single moms and their kids. If you’d like more information on being a neighboring volunteer and coming alongside to support the moms and their kids, please call Michelle Moss at 303.885.8979 or email michelle@mossrm.com.