young adults & college
Young Adults (18-35)
Young Adults at Grace are active—BBQs, camping trips, Frisbee, volleyball, flag football, and more. Our primary meeting time is on Tuesday nights in the Youth & Young Adults building.
Our evenings go something like this…
6:00 PM Doors Open
6:30 PM Big Group
6:45 PM Small Groups
7:00 PM Discussion
8:00 PM Prayer
8:30 PM Social Time
In short, it’s a full night filled with God’s grace and community. Our common bond is in Jesus, who first loved us. He is the center of our community. Jump on in! It’d be great to have you join us.
Text Steve for details – 303.775.0663

Young Marrieds
Sundays | 5:30 pm | Mckibben Chapel
Our community is made up of young married couples in their 20’s and 30’s. Whether you’re newlyweds or navigating the challenges of children, our goal is to strengthen marriages through practical Bible teaching and fellowship. If you’re seeking an active and friendly community, you just found it! We understand that life and marriage isn’t always easy. We need truth and grace from the heart of God through Jesus. Join us on Sunday nights in the McKibben Chapel for a discussion based group. Join us, you’ll fit right in!
To find out more about getting involved with any group, click on the button below to fill out a form to find out more.